Tampa Catholic High School

Student Database and Demographics

Student Data Management in the AdminPlus SIS

AdminPlus Demographics allow you to manage student and staff data in an intuitive format that ensures data integrity, security, accurate reporting and quick access to information. As a result, student and staff data is never entered twice and everyone at your school can always access the most up-to-date information.

  • Customize the student database to manage the information your individual school, school district or diocese needs to track.
  • Store all information in one centralized student database - from basic student records to extended family and sibling relationships, foster family/guardianship information, sports and club activities, honors, health records, and more.
Demographic View in AdminPlus for the Student Database

Contact Database

The Contact Database within AdminPlus properly manages contacts so they can be linked to multiple students in your school or district, without data re-entry.

In addition to the global aspect, there is a local aspect as well. Based on the relationship the contact has to the student, you can determine what reports that contact will receive. This can vary from student to student for the same contact.

AdminPlus Contact Database Infographic

Smarter Student Contact Management: Easily link a contact's information to multiple students and customize reporting based upon the relationships.

AdminPlus Logo



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AdminPlus is the perfect database solution for our school. It’s all-inclusive, easy to use and well supported. It makes me more efficient and effective in my job. Customer support is top notch, always quick to respond and willing to assist.

Carrie Doherty , Registrar

Seattle Christian School, WA

Contacts Feature Gallery

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