Tampa Catholic High School

AdminPlus Chapters for LiveBook

User-Ready Analysis and Visualization of AdminPlus Data

LiveBook, powered by Rediker Software, enables analysis and visualization of AdminPlus and external data. The new pre-packaged AdminPlus “chapters” bring to life core data elements common to all AdminPlus schools – demographics, enrollment data, attendance, department, course section, grades, and more.

Leveraging over a dozen visualization types including stacked column, line, scatter, bubble, box and whisker, Livebook chapters allow non-tech savvy users to understand and evaluate the information. Additional dynamic features such as color coding, sparklines, cohort creation, and filtering enable the user to make informed data-driven decisions quickly.

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Student Overview

Data is pulled directly from the AdminPlus data fields to create a comprehensive overview of your student's demographic, attendance, and GPA information.

Department Summary

The Department Summary chapter allows for a deeper look into statistics by departments, courses, sections, and student rosters.

Enrollment History

The Enrollment History chapter lists key demographics and metrics such as daily attendance totals and GPA, as of the current school year.

LiveBook can analyze past and present enrollment data from your school's AdminPlus database to calculate the student’s Graduation Year, Enrollment Status, Last School Year Enrollment, and Number of Years Enrolled.

  • Retained means they were enrolled on all AdminPlus years considered for their graduating class.
  • Joined means they were enrolled on some years but for less years than expected for their graduating class.
  • Withdrew means they were inactivated.
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